Product Detail:
LITHOCHROME Color Hardener is used to add beautiful color - vibrant or subtle - into the surface of freshly placed concrete. This ready-to-use, powdered dry-shake hardener produces long-wearing horizontal surfaces ideal for pedestrian or vehicular traffic - indoors or out.
LITHOCHROME Color Hardener provides more coverage with less product than competing color hardeners. The superior formulation is denser than competing color hardeners, resulting in approximately 75% more thickness when using LITHOCHROME Color Hardener at the same coverage rate.
Proven superior abrasion resistance
Based on test results, LITHOCHROME Color Hardener dramatically improves the abrasion resistance of concrete as compared to a control concrete of the same base composition finished and cured in a similar manner. The recommended application rate of LITHOCHROME Color Hardener provided over 34 times the abrasion resistance on a depth of wear basis as compared to the control. A higher application demonstrated over 100 times the control’s performance.
Proven higher compressive strength
The compressive strength of a material is that value of uniaxial compressive stress reached when the material fails completely. The compressive strength is usually obtained experimentally by means of a compressive test. Based on a 2” x 2” cube compressive test, LITHOCHROME Color Hardener provided superior compressive strength after 31 days over competing color hardener products.
Better coverage rates result in reduced installation costs
By using properly graded aggregates in our color hardener we are able to extend our surface coverage rates. Most manufacturers recommend using 60 pounds per every 100 square feet. Our color hardener recommendation is for 50 pounds per every 100 square feet. LITHOCHROME Color Hardener is manufactured with well-graded aggregates resulting in better suspension at the surface of the concrete in its plastic state, allowing for complete coverage using less material.
Well-selected aggregates and pigments result in better color opacity
Manufacturers are faced with raw material drifts in color and different colors of sand indigenous to the location of the manufacturing facility. Providing consistent gradation and color for each new batch presents a challenge, but ensures that large jobs over a period of time look the same from beginning to end. LITHOCHROME Color Hardener is manufactured with specific color-selected aggregates for the most consistent coverage possible.
View the
PDF outlining the complete LITHOCHROME Color Hardener advantage.
Surfaces enhanced with LITHOCHROME Color Hardener are
Nonfading, permanent colored surfaces
Durable in freeze/thaw conditions
Hard, dense and abrasion-resistant
Best for imprinting with concrete stamps
Cost-effective and easy-to-maintain
Product Specifications:
50lbs of Color Hardener.
Available in a Bag or Plastic Pail.
Residential projects: 2 applications which total 50 lbs/100 ft2. One pail.
Commercial projects: 2 to 3 applications which total 90 lbs/100 ft2.
Light colors require: 2 to 3 applications which total 90-120 lbs/100 ft2.
Heavy duty uses require: 3 applications which total 120 lbs/100 ft2.
Shipping Information:
Usually ships within 2-3 business days.
Shipping charges will be based on UPS Ground upon Check Out from our store. Actual shipping will be done by Fed Ex on this product however.
Color Chart: